Search on homepages and indexed internal.
Example: depth:all "math.min.js"
depth:0 "math.min.js" - homepages (default)
depth:1 "math.min.js" - 1'st internal
etc. up to 5
Get results from certain top-level domain.
site:de bootstrap
site:it bootstrap
site:edu bootstrap
site:legal bootstrap
Search in CSS and JS files.
"" filetype:css
"" filetype:js
Search by IP address or class C subnet.
ip: "ga('create',"
ip:160.153.136.* bootstrap
When you put a word or phrase in quotes, the results will only include sites with the same words in the same order as the ones inside the quotes.
Example: "math.min.js"
Combine searches for multiple phrases or keywords.
Example: "<html lang=\"fr\">" bootstrap
When you use a dash before a word or keyphrase, it excludes sites with that info from your results.
Example: "amcharts.js" -bootstrap
To use a double quote which is used to enclose strings, you need to escape it using the backslash character.
Example: "<html lang=\"fr\">"
Escaping a backslash with another backslash is required. Two consecutive backslashes will be interpreted as a single backslash.
Example: "\\x5f\\x70\\x6fp"
Add RegExp to extract IDs, names, etc. from matched websites via custom snippets. Snipexp operator does not affect search results, just display matched snippets.
Pizza phones in Italia: "href=\"tel" site:it pizza snipexp:|\"tel\:([^\"]+)\"|
Publisher IDs: "addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra" snipexp:|pubid=(ra\-[\w\d]+)|i
WP plugins: "/wp-content/plugins/" snipexp:|/plugins/([\w\d\-\.\_]+)/|
Affiliate IDs: "_pop.push([\"siteId" snipexp:|(siteId[\"\']\,\s*(\d+))|i